一款只要没有发帖回帖验证码的论坛基本支持,支持跨多个不同论坛发帖回帖,用户自定义论坛,支持自动检测特征码, 功能介绍:1.自定义内容.2.自定义不同论坛,不同板块.3.完全模拟手动操作,基本检测不到是机器刷的。 4.软件可用于论坛,微博,博客,小论坛的私信等一些发言的地方,只要有输入框,有发言按钮,软件就可以自动去填写内容到输入框,自动点击发言按钮.5支持多开.6.可定时启动,定时停止.7.可随机回复不同论坛帖子.8.支持随机回复整个论坛帖子。绑定电脑,可解绑10次。
视频地址: http://afuzhu.com/video_page/video1.php
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最后编辑:2021-10-26 04:10:51
金玉良言 / Appraise2022-10-04 00:20
The deal so far covers only one tanker: a shipment amounting to 137,000 cubic meters of LNG to be delivered by Abu Dhabi National Oil company to RWE in late December or by early 2023, Bloomberg reported, citing the company’s announcement. Separately, RWE also announced it will partner with UAE-based company Masdar to explore offshore wind energy projects and supply 250,000 tons of diesel per month in 2023 to Germany’s fuel distributor Wilhelm Hoyer.